Friday, February 13, 2009

U-Blog 3

I want to take a minute and talk about two companies current thoughts on the workplace. These companies being Microsoft and JetBlu, both in our text. JetBlu has a strict work situation set up meaning employee A has to be at place A at time A for the company to work. It'd be kind of hard for a plane to fly without their pilot on time and a stuardess sure can't fill in for them! Now Microsoft on the other hand has no set times for most of their staff. They just check on your progress. They do work generally in teams of two to get done with programming but they do not have to be together from 8 - 5. Now my questions start with do these strategies hurt or help these two companies? I think the answer lies in the companies products and services. While a program does not need to be written at an exact time of day, a plane does need to fly when the customer is told it will. This goes to show not just one set of work standards work for every organization.

U-Blog 2

While having to think about the top 3 preformance roles, responsibilities, and competencies, it started to make me think about if 3 would be enough to describe it. While my top 3 were diversity, technology, and work force, i realized that there were far too many others that needed to be set in place to have a company work properly. Lets start with trainers. While there are many different paths a company can use to train, there is definitely a need for accurate and quick training. Less money is spent the more efficient the training is. Project managers are vital to keep things moving in the direction they need to be to stay on track. Group process skills are neccessary to make sure that a group can get a project done, because most of the time a project can be split up amoung several and finished quicker and catch more errors. These are just a few more of what i feel are vital in keeping a company running smoothly and efficiently and will continue to be important roles in a company.