Friday, February 13, 2009

U-Blog 3

I want to take a minute and talk about two companies current thoughts on the workplace. These companies being Microsoft and JetBlu, both in our text. JetBlu has a strict work situation set up meaning employee A has to be at place A at time A for the company to work. It'd be kind of hard for a plane to fly without their pilot on time and a stuardess sure can't fill in for them! Now Microsoft on the other hand has no set times for most of their staff. They just check on your progress. They do work generally in teams of two to get done with programming but they do not have to be together from 8 - 5. Now my questions start with do these strategies hurt or help these two companies? I think the answer lies in the companies products and services. While a program does not need to be written at an exact time of day, a plane does need to fly when the customer is told it will. This goes to show not just one set of work standards work for every organization.


  1. That's a good way to think about it. The goals for a business, or the direction they take, is going to be different, depending on their specific trade. The customer's demands also have a role in how these companies operate

  2. I could not agree more with this concept. The more I learn about the business world and how it works the more I realize there are more than one right way to get the job done! When it comes to training, a trainer must accomodate the several types of learning style that are in discuss in the Felder-Silverman model. In the aspect of running an company I would to work for Microsoft. I believe my work ethnic would be incredible knowing I can be flexible with my job. Like as long as I get my work done, how I do it shouldnt matter!!

  3. I think it depends on the type of employees being trained and the job they are trained for and how they are trained.For example if you train a pilot you want to make sure that they make time management their first priority because the customers are going to expect the flight to depart at the scheduled time and the pilot is the only one who can make it depart on time and if they dont show up on time customers will be disapointed.They should also be trained to understand their purpose as a pilot and to show up at the workplace on time.That way the company will not run a risk of losing customers.As for microsoft, because a program does not need to be writen at an exact time of day, employees can be trained to be more productive on what they are doing and not emphasise more on time management.
